Metabolic Rate and VO2max testing


To purchase a package, please email the office.

  1. Current patients - let us know if your card on file is okay to use

  2. If you are not a patient of our office, please book a spot online for the Resting test - this will initiate an account creation for you where you can enter your credit card info. Then email us which package you prefer, and we can use youar card on file to complete the transaction before the offer expires.


What is Metabolic Rate (MR) Testing?

Metabolic rate testing compares the air you breathe in to the air you breathe out. We then use these values, combined with data from a heart rate monitor, to learn about how your body is using energy - i.e. your metabolism.

Some popular goals for metabolic testing are:

  • Weight Loss

  • Performance Improvement

  • Longevity, simply being in their best state to age well

Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what will get you to that next level of really being healthy and feeling good. Metabolic testing is appropriate for those otherwise healthy individuals looking to push the needle further toward a truly healthy state or an improved state of physical fitness.

There are two types of Metabolic Rate tests to choose from: Resting or Active (aka VO2max)

You can also complete both tests for a picture of how your active capacity differs from your resting, for the most data points available.

*If you’re uncertain where to begin, consider starting with the Resting Metabolic Test. It’s easy to perform, relatively inexpensive, and gives you lots of information to build on. We can always add an active test a few months down the road, once you’ve had a chance to incorporate your initial modifications. Remember health and fitness is a journey…..progress, not perfection! 💪🤗


resting metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing

If you’re new to metabolic testing or looking for a baseline in your health/fitness, a resting test is a good place to begin. You’ll get a lot of information on your metabolism, including how many calories you burn per day, whether you’re burning primarily carbs or fat, and information on risk levels for metabolic syndrome. You’ll also get info on your heart beat regularity, and lung health, including your breathing frequency and volume. Your report will contain general dietary modifications and some training advice to address any areas of improvement we find.

A Resting Metabolic Rate test is a fasted test that takes 12-15 min and involves sitting in relaxed, calm position and breathing while wearing a mask and a heart rate monitor. It’s easy and can be easily accomplished in a 20 min window.

Your PDF report will include measurements of the following:

  • Resting Metabolic rate

  • Fat Burning efficiency (vs. carbs)

  • Heart Fitness

  • Lung Fitness

  • How the above can effect your cognition, posture, and diabetes risk levels as well as your likelihood of metabolic dysfunction

If you would like some guidance in what to do with your test results, we offer the following add on’s:

  • Consult: If you want to dive into the details of your report(s) and get a plan for improvement together, a consult w/ our Metabolic Expert, Daphne, is a good choice! She’s got a Masters in Exercise Physiology and will help you understand your results, often times bringing a lot of additional value and understanding to your results.

    Additional cost to chosen test(s): $88

  • Consult + Personalized Nutrition Plan: Add the above consult as well as a 3-month nutrition plan, designed and approved by a Registered Dietician (RD) and based on your test results, goals, and dietary preferences/needs. The plan is delivered through an ap where you can follow/track your meals, or simply use the program as inspiration for new meals, recipes, snacks, etc.

    Additional cost to chosen test(s): $163 (includes $88 for the consult)

When scheduling please keep these pre-test elements in mind for best results:

  • Fast except from plain water for at least 5 hours prior to testing (Morning Testers, this means NO COFFEE).

  • No caffeine, tobacco or stimulating drinks/substances for at least 5 hours prior to testing

  • If you must workout the day before, keep it to no more than 1 hour and moderate intensity.

Active Vo2max metabolic testing

An Active Metabolic Test (a.k.a. AMR test or a VO2 Max test) evaluates your body’s capacity during physical activity and requires you to ride an exercise bike for 12-15min. The test is finished when you can’t continue to output the needed levels of energy to continue/progress the test, or you are too tired to continue (this is the goal - it’s as maximal of an exercise effort as your comfortable with). The AMR components are then analyzed along with spirometry to assess how your body reacts to physical activity and your respiratory capacity. Your AMR PDF report will include:

  • VO2 max score - how many milliliters of oxygen your body can process in a minute, per kilogram of body weight

  • Biological age - how your values compare with “norms” for various age ranges in your demographic. For example, are you 54 years old with a biological age of 45? Or are you 45 with a biological age of 54? 🙀 Finding out you’re performing like a person 10 years older than you can be very motivating!

  • Ventilatory threshold 1- Heart rate at which point you’re working hard enough to consider it “a workout”

  • Ventilatory Threshold 2 - the heart rate at which you’re primarily using anabolic (limited oxygen) methods to produce energy

  • Fat/carb burn transition point - the heart rate level at which you switch from burning fat to carbs

  • Your max heart rate achieved at an all out effort

  • Your lung capacity and capability

From these data points, we can extrapolate/interpret the following:

  • Your aerobic capacity and cardiovascular fitness level, how well your lungs and heart perform at high intensity, your movement economy, expiratory power, respiratory coordination, and how these values can effect your cognition and posture.

  • Your personal target training zones; how your body uses fuel during zones 1-5, and what your heart rate is for each of the workout zones (based on your data, not a general mathematical formula). These are key pieces of both weight loss and improving performance.

  • How need to train to improve your current cardiovascular level

  • How to be more efficient with your exercise program for optimal results

The report will include general suggestions on how to improve your limiting values. If you want to talk through the report, you can schedule with our Metabolic Expert for a deeper dive. Personalized, RD-approved nutrition plans are also available for this type of test, same as the RMR add-on’s (see above).

*Because of the maximal exercise effort required of the AMR test, you do need clearance for this type of test either from an appropriately licensed Doctor of Chiropractic or a Medical Doctor, if you are not a current patient of Nolan Sport & Family Chiropractic. Anyone can complete the RMR without specified clearance.

When scheduling your VO2 max test:

  • Please book for a time when you will be ready to exercise kinda hard!

  • Be fueled; don’t skip breakfast/lunch unless this is part of your training routine

  • Be hydrated; drinking an electrolyte/sports drink 1.5 hours before hand is ideal

  • Be dressed ready to sweat; a moderate amount or a lot, your choice!